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Planks Are SO Boring

YAWN! That is how most people really feel about planks right?! I mean, have you ever read a workout or written a workout and went, YES, I can’t wait to do my planks! Now, just because we don’t like something, it […]

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Essential 20 Minute Workout

Amanda Thebe, DVRT Master (Fit N’ Chips) My life seems to have been so busy of late, can you relate? August and September have flown by in the blink of an eye.  And while trying to organize the kids for […]

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Monday Muscle Workout

Good thing I run things by Jessica every once in awhile. I wanted to start calling these Monday installments “Monster Muscle Mass Monday”, but she brought to my attention that it MIGHT turn of the ladies. After all, women should […]

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The Best Power Exercise You Can Perform

  It is the thing that people love and at the same time scares them. POWER! I would say in the last ten to fifteen years, power training has made a serious impact in fitness programs. It has always seemed […]

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The Perfect Fat Loss Workout

Several years ago I was at a conference where one of my favorite coaches were speaking, Pavel Tsatsouline. Now, Pavel is best known for making kettlebells popular in the world again, however, he does know how to talk some other […]

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Best Way to Build Real World Muscle with Ultimate Sandbag Workouts

Pretty funny to admit, hearing from the guy that is know for Ultimate Sandbag workouts. I don’t think I told many people this…when I was a teenager I REALLY wanted to be a bodybuilder.  I was never the fastest, could jump […]

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3 Things Your Fitness Never Needs

For about a week I was removed from social media. That’s because in China it is hard to get access to your normal outlets. I don’t regret teaching there, but that break was almost needed. As soon as I did […]

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Ultimate Sandbag Fitness Brings Strength Training Come Alive!

Crazy to think it has ben almost ten years since I embarked on one of the coolest and most important programs I have ever been a part of in my career. That was when I was asking in 2009 to […]

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Why Overhead Strength is Life

  We often say they are related, but many times they are on polar opposite ends! Health and fitness usually share the same title, but ironically, we treat them so differently in real life. I hear it all the time, […]

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