In the late 90’s this idea sounded CRAZY!!! I came out of a weekend seminar that was all about the fact that high intensity interval training HIIT workouts was going to be the wave of the future for fat loss […]
read more2017-10-30
I just got home from a great weekend presenting at the National Strength & Conditioning Association Personal Trainer conference. Every time I present I think about what are one or two things I really want people to come away with […]
read more2017-10-28
We live in a really weird time, where people are just looking for black and white answers. Listen, I get it, I would love for fitness to be one of those things that we tell you to just do THESE […]
read more2017-10-25
Ian Vaughn, DVRT Master (Creator DVRT for Strength & Muscle and DVRT for Obstacle Course Racing) On my fitness journey the past couple years I’ve learned many new ways to integrate DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises into people’s lives and mine. […]
read more2017-10-25
Annmarie Licatese, DVRT Master (Creator DVRT Run Strong and DVRT Busy Parents Programs) If you’re a runner and the side plank is missing from your training routine then let me tell you something, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. The […]
read more2017-10-25
Cory Cripe, DVRT Master (Creator of DVRT Movement Strength Program) I am so excited with the release of my newest DVRT program, Movement Strength. and got to thinking (it sometimes happens) … over 100 exercises to choose from, what would […]
read more2017-10-25
It truly is a blessing, that is having been able to travel the world the last ten years teaching DVRT Ultimate Sandbag fitness programs. Sure, I love spreading our DVRT love, but what has never ceased to amaze me is […]
read more2017-10-23
Cory Cripe, DVRT Master (Creator DVRT Movement Strength) I had to make this workout! I don’t just owe it to you, but I owe it to myself to create a workout for you. And not just any workout, all those […]
read more2017-10-23
Cory Cripe, DVRT Master (Fitness Lying Down Co-Owner) I was fortunate enough to receive praises from a NFL and NBA strength coach on my barbell back squat, once in high school and once in college. However, I’m embarrassed to admit […]
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