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How to Help Knee Pain with Lunges

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Co-Creator DVRT Restoration, Pelvic Control, & Shoulder Courses) Probably the number one thing I hear from my patients or clients when I first start working with them is they can’t lunge, they just can’t do it. […]

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3 Tips To Get Powerful Workouts Anywhere!

A lot of coaches are being told they can’t help people unless they do things like they have always done them. While many will espouse the “good ole days” (not sure when that was but people keep telling me about […]

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Are We Getting Goblet Squats All Wrong?

The year 2003 was a big one for me. It was the year I went to my first kettlebell certification, even though I badly tried to implement them the year before. This was WELL before kettlebells were common place and […]

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The Top 10 Best Ultimate Sandbag Exercises People Get Wrong Part 2

I hope in our first installment (HERE) you really went back and tried some of those drills with a whole new thought process around them. In the end, any exercise is only as powerful as the technique you use and […]

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The Evolution of the Barbell

One of the hardest questions I receive is, “tell me about your Ultimate Sandbag?” Sounds very reasonable and it is, however, the question isn’t really the question. What do I mean?  Have you ever bought a barbell and asked the […]

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Top 10 Powerful Exercises People Get Wrong!

When we released our L. I. F. T.  (loaded integrated functional training) and PKM (progressive kettlebell movement) certifications we instantly exponentially increase our already very large DVRT system. Sometimes that could be difficult to feel confident to know where to […]

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What Squats Aren’t Teaching You About Strength

“Just squat”, heck advice that pretty much anyone can wrap their heads around. However, does it matter which squat? Are all squats equal? Should we focus on some squats more than others, how do we progress squats? So, while it […]

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Using the Right Squat: How We Can Evolve Corrective Exercise

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist It is the hardest question to answer, “when does an exercise go from being corrective to strengthen-ing?” The challenge in answering such a question relates to the same issues in addressing “functional training.” Without a clear […]

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Beyond the Deadlift

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) We have fallen for it! The trap that we thought we avoided by shifting our focus from training muscles to that of movement. […]

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