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How Depression & Anxiety Are Overlooked in Chronic Low Back Pain

With our MIM Chronic Low Back Pain MasterClass coming up, I wanted to hit on a topic that you will almost NEVER hear discussed in fitness circles and to be honest, just as rarely in physical therapy. The reason is […]

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The Pain In The Fascia, Why You REALLY Have Chronic Pain

Chronic pain of ANY sort is not just a bad thing, but something that can really ruin one’s life! In fact, the U.S. Veterans Affairs Department has some staggering stats about chronic pain. -Approximately 15% to 35% of patients with […]

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How Science Based Balance Training Improves Your Life

Recently I was thrilled to attend the first ever symposium on “The Science Of Tai Chi & Qigong as Whole-Person Health”. This amazing event was put on by the world renown, Harvard Medical School. You know with that type of […]

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THIS Is The Reason We May Be Getting Joint Mobility All Wrong

I use the term joint mobility all the time, but as I interact with coaches and reflect on how people THINK of the term, joint mobility, more and more I think we are getting it all wrong. When I refer […]

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The 3 Biggest Myths Of Low Back Pain

Since I was 14, I’ve battled low back pain. It was during a high school basketball game and I got shoved in the back and dropped with horrendous pain. Taken to the ER, doctors told me I had herniated discs […]

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Why These Dynamic Side Planks Are OFTEN Done Wrong

It is probably the MOST common question in fitness, it goes something like this… “I don’t have equipment X, what can I use instead?” Don’t worry, I get the question and it’s fair based on the responses that most fitness […]

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Why This SHOULD Be Your Favorite Squat

They say you shouldn’t have a favorite kid, but in the world of DVRT even I have my favorites. Now, having favorite exercises can be problematic if you aren’t defining why they are your favorite drills. For example, if you […]

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Creating More Successful Deadlifts & Hip Hinges

One of the most interesting things to watch as I spend more time in the industry is how things can change so drastically. When I entered the industry 30 years ago, the deadlift was definitely and outlaw lift. The deadlift […]

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Why People Get The Posterior Oblique Sling Idea About Lats ALL Wrong

When you have been doing anything for almost 30 years, it can seem extra frustrating when people misrepresent interesting concepts that can actually help people. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think people deliberately get things wrong, but they get […]

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