Hip mobility is of course always a hot topic because having good hip mobility allows us to be stronger and more powerful, but also can help with issues of both knee and low back pain. While social media has a large amount of hip mobility exercises that can be done, there are often three issues with most hip mobility social media based exercises.
1. They are more of demonstration of one’s hip mobility. People often mistake the mobility that one has (even if it is really good) as being the method to improve that mobility. Most who have limited hip mobility need more progressive exercises based on the science of better mobility training.
2. A lot of hip mobility is done in isolation, this ignores the fact that hip mobility can not only be impacted by the joint, muscle, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue in the area, but also neurologically by what the core and lower leg is doing as well. A more integrative and weight bearing approach usually creates better and longer lasting results.
3. People often believe really good mobility training should hurt! This is actually the opposite as pain causes the nervous system not to feel safe and in order to restore safety and protect the body, it will create tightness in response. That is why breath work can be useful as not only as a means to regulate the nervous system, but also to help know if the mobility work is too intense.
Such drills I show in the following series show better ways of creating mobility based upon what the science shows. For example, a 2012 study states, “Recent literature has revealed that myofascial connections transmit forces to adjacent musculotendinous structures in parallel and in series. Thus, to apply maximum tension to a soft tissue, this evidence suggests that stretch should also be applied to adjacent structures, such that associated myofascial connections are also under tension.”
A 2006 study shows, “This results in proximal stability for distal mobility, a proximal to distal patterning of generation of force, and the creation of interactive moments that move and protect distal joints.”
See how using science in training gives us better results.
Want to learn more? Get a jump with our NEW Bags, Bells, Balls, & Bands 6 month training program and learn to develop greater mobility and so much more! Use code “workout30” HERE to save 30% for a limited time! Also don’t miss our Mobility Balls HERE
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