One way to help us give back is to use coupon code “strength” and not only raise money for single mothers with cancer, but save 20% HERE
If you haven’t been following us, you might have missed that all month we have been talking about our efforts and personal relationship with both breast cancer and cancer overall. I never wanted people to think we were doing the “pink thing” just because it is the thing to do.
When people ask me where DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training came from, I tell them my personal story of fighting back pain and the journey to discovering and refining this incredible system. What I don’t usually talk about is the role my step-mother, Renae, played it the whole process.
That is why I got choked up at our DVRT Master Trainer Summit sharing what our pink Ultimate Sandbags were really about.
I remember when I got my first Ultimate Sandbag ever made. Shortly after my Dad and Renae had come to visit. My Dad had a raised eyebrow, not really sure what it was or even what I was thinking. Yet, Renae gave me only encouragement. While she, nor I, knew where things would end up going, she always gave me a push to do what I thought was right.
She would remind me asking me to change, think differently, or go against the grain is hard, but if you think, if you believe, if you know it is right then go for it because no matter what happens you will never regret it!
Trust me, there were plenty of times in this journey that quitting, throwing my hands up in the air would have been easy and the preferred option. Yet, I coming back to the ideas and values she taught me and said to myself, “I just believe too much in this to give up!”
That is why I got choked up at our DVRT Master Trainer Summit. To see 30 incredible trainers from 7 different countries feeling what we had to share was so valuable and important that they wanted to be a part of it just got me. The sad part was due to a 7 year battle with breast cancer Renae was never able to see what DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training has become and how it impacts people every day.
Many of you reading this probably have experienced something similar, let’s face it, cancer sucks. My mother passed from Leukemia when I was 8. Yet, I feel like her compassion and passion to be a teacher for young kids is in my blood. I believe that is why teaching and educating is such a passion of mine and I am sure that many of you who have loss feel the same.
We can’t bring people back, but we can honor them and that is what this month has been about for me. That is why I was quite honored when DVRT Master, Annmarie Licatese, wrote a great blog (Read HERE) about how cancer impacted her, but also the idea of a workout that would honor the strength everyone that goes through this demonstrates.
It was so good that we wanted to turn it into an opportunity to raise money for charity. So, next week, the last week of October is a chance to help create change! All week long we are going to be running a special fitness challenge and raise as much money for charity. What do you have to do?
-First thing is you can either donate a minimum of $5 to the Singleton Mom’s Charity HERE or to a charity close to your heart. If you want to enter to win prizes then you will have to send us your receipt from the charity to info@ultimatesandbagtraining.com/dev
-Next, any time during next week try to complete as many GOOD rounds of Annmarie’s workout and film yourself performing the workout. (Guidelines for weights will be below). You can post your video on youtube, email us, or send to us via wetransfer.com.
-Lastly, have fun and think about how in your own way you are doing a small thing to give back. We want to honor all those impacted by cancer and will be hash tagging all these great videos with #DVRTWarriors and hope you will do the same to bring awareness.
Winners? The top male and female number of rounds will get a FREE Ultimate Sandbag of their choice! Yea, not bad right? Give back and get something pretty awesome.
The workout? We have taken Annmarie’s workout below and made some small modifications.
12 Bent Over Rows
10 Front Loaded Power Cleans
8 Thrusters
6 (3 each side) Plank Ups
60 Seconds Front Loaded March
20 minutes, as many GOOD rounds as possible.
Are there weights and standards. YES! If you want to actually compete we are asking for the following. Otherwise, we hope you do your best and still contribute to any great organization!
Women Under 135: 30 Pound Power
Women 135-160: 40 Pound Strength
Women Over 160: 50 Pound Strength
Men Under 165: 60 Pound Strength
Men 165-200: 60 Pound Burly
Men Over 200: 80 Pound Burly
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