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Are You in Shape for This?! | sandbag training

The DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Fitness Challenge

Possibly one of the toughest questions when it comes to our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training program is answering, “how do I know I am doing well?” It isn’t a tough question for me to answer, but rather, I need you to open to your mind to not the typical fitness recommendations.

Throughout the eight years of teaching DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training I have been adamant about not getting sold on purely just the numbers of the weight. That is tough for a lot of people as fitness tends to be an numbers oriented industry. How much do you bench? How fast can you run a mile? There are many examples and let’s face it, that is the easiest way to see if you are improving.

However, we know in DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training that we not only have to consider the weight, but the dimension (stability) of the USB, the position in which we hold the USB, our stance when we perform a lift, etc. I realize that this can be overwhelming to a lot of people that just want to know, “am I doing better?”

That is why I have created standards so that you could measure yourself and see very simply if you are making progress in your training. It isn’t a coincidence either that these tests come on the heels of my DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training posts about Olympic lifts. The first measure we will test your fitness happens to be the Clean and Press.

The Clean and Press is not an exercise unique to the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training system. However, how it feels and how it is performed definitely is very different! Let’s go over why I selected this DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training exercise first.

Are You in Shape for This?!Why not just do Clean and Presses with a barbell or even kettlebells? There are quite a few reasons that DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training gives you something very different. From past posts (CLICK HERE TO READ) you will see that it takes significantly heavier barbells and kettlebells to produce the same type of intensity that a lighter USB can in training. Because of the subtle (sometimes not so subtle) movement of weight in DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training we can not only improve your strength by working the muscles harder, but we can train more muscles and improve your body’s coordination.

The other reason we are using the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Clean and Press is because you just can’t cheat it! In using barbells, people often muscle the weight up and lose much of the essence of this great exercise. If we clarify the rules of performing a correct DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Clean and Press, then you will see the USB will give you direct feedback upon whether or not you are performing the exercise correctly.

Are You in Shape for This?!Another great benefit of the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Clean and Press is both the amount of muscles used in the exercise along with the relative safety of the exercise. The DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training hits a TON of muscles because as you use larger USBs they not only weigh more, but are more unstable. This type of instability forces your body to incorporate more muscles to balance out the instability of the USB. Because the USB will also be providing constant feedback during the exercise you will find it to be a very safe way of challenging yourself in DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training.

Lastly, the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Clean and Press begins to tell you if you are really getting technically better, not just physically. As you tire during this DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge, alterations to your technique will result in an inability to get the USB in the correct position. In other words, you have to be tough and strong not just physically, but mentally as well.

The DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge that I wanted to create definitely can be improved by the “Decade Workouts” I posted before, but let’s address some important factors. This challenge combines strength and endurance. Having an over emphasis of one fitness quality usually makes the other suffer. I wanted you to find a benefit in overall fitness improvement and that is why I have chosen both the weights and measures for this DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge.

Men that are under 200 pounds need to use a Strength USB at approximately 75 pounds. Men over 200 pounds need to use a Burly USB at approximately 100 pounds. Women under 140 need a Strength USB at 40 pounds and women over 140 need a Strength USB at around 60 pounds. This DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge requires you to clean every time and press the weight overhead, 50 repetitions in 5 minutes! Yes, you can push press, push jerk, in other words using the legs to get the USB overhead is allowed!

Today’s DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training video is going to cover the how’s, why’s, and the common mistakes of performing this DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge. We are going to make this a contest so start posting your times on our fan page here and if possible share with us your videos as well! This is a fun challenge that allows you to easily measure your progress week to week! Next time I will discuss options in improving in this test.

Are You in Shape for This?! | sandbag training is a post from: Ultimate Sandbag Training Fitness System by Josh Henkin