Having a goal is one thing, being able to maintain motivation, focus, and sacrifice towards that goal is a completely different story! In goal-setting theory, there is a difference between long-term and short-term goals. Both are important for different reasons. Short-term goals keep us motivated and focused on the day to day actions that will help us achieve that ultimate goal. Yes, the long-term is the “ultimate goal” that gives you that deeper meaning. WHY you are making sacrifices and wholesale life changes.
I take it seriously when people use our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training program as a means of making these changes. That is why we give so much FREE information about how to use DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training. However, even as dynamic and effective DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training exercises are, it can still be difficult to remain motivated day in and day out, week in, week out.
That is why I have found the idea of DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training “Challenge Workouts”, to be so helpful. DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workouts represent that short-term goal mentality. If we see we are improving and we are seeing progress in our fitness we know we are on the right path. It makes hitting that DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training workout a bit easier to get excited about doing, or making you re-think why you would want to skip that workout!
It doesn’t matter whether you are an advanced individual or beginner, we all get motivated by success. While cosmetic changes are awesome, they don’t always move in line with our fitness. Some weeks we see more dramatic changes to our physique and others we see very slow changes. That is why I have always coached clients to have more tangible goals and multiple goals that aren’t always physique related.
DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workouts allow us to create those other goals. How do we create these DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training workouts? Of course you can make it simple or more individualized. For those of you that like things simple, just take a DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workout like the one above. Perform it, journal your results (in today’s case how long it took you to complete and how much your USB weighed) and then set it aside for 3-4 weeks.
Since I recommend most training programs (yes, even DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training) to run 4-5 weeks, this becomes your little “test”. At the end of your DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training program cycle, test yourself! Repeat that DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workout and see if you were able to exceed the results you obtained from the previous time.
The other means of incorporating DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workouts is to make them more individualized. These DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workouts can consist of exercises you want to see yourself improve upon, or challenge more specific fitness goals.
For example, maybe you want to be able to perform a DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training exercise like full MAX Lunges. However, right now just performing a Front Hold Drop Lunge is a pretty good challenge! The short-term DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge would be for you to see how many consecutive slow MAX Lunges you can perform. After your 3-5 weeks of DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training, re-test! Are you able to accomplish more repetitions? Do you notice you are moving faster? Have you completed more reps in the same amount of time or have you completed the same number of repetitions in a shorter amount of time. All positive signs that your DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training has been working!
If more of strength is your goal, you may want to work towards DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training exercises such as Clean and Presses, Shoulder Squats (without deviation), Get-up, etc. Instead of workouts being more endurance based, using DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training programs with an emphasis on low repetition ladders works well.
5/4/3/2/1 Repetitions each movement, minimal rest till completed then 2 minutes of rest.
Repeat 2-3 times, record weight, time, and total repetitions completed.
DVRT Rotational Clean and Press
Kettlebell Lateral Squat (repetitions are per side)
Alternate between the two DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training exercises as you proceed through each series of repetitions.
Changing your emphasis from DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workouts from time to time also allows you to have diversity in training and helps you prevent any major imbalances in your fitness development.
Probably one of the first mainstream challenge workouts was the famous “300 workout”, it caught fire because it gave people an easy means to test themselves. The great part is you can perform these DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training challenge workouts with friends, teams, groups, etc. Fighting for a similar goal with someone else often makes these challenges so much fun and gives DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training an even higher boost on the fun factor! Try it out and post your results on our Facebook Ultimate Sandbag Training fan page!
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