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Ultimate Sandbag Exercises for Better Backs, Knees, & Shoulders

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist

People think that I can write about it because of my background as a physical therapist. The truth is, that I sometimes think of myself as qualified to talk about injuries because of the decades I have spent living with them. Now, I want to more and more show people how real the impact of DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises actually can be to their health and fitness!

Like many, I’ve struggled a lot in my life with dealing with pain. The horrible feeling of being trapped, disappointed, frustrated, and limited by injury. I would love to say that becoming a physical therapist taught me how to solve all of my own problems, but that just wasn’t the case. 

Truly, it wasn’t until I started working with DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises did my life significantly change. I worked out, but never liked I wanted to, I didn’t feel like I wanted to, and I wasn’t able to do things like I wanted. 

Things started to change as I trained more and more with DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises. I went from not being able to squat with bodyweight without pain to doing things I never even dreamed about. 

sandbag exercises

My success became a passion, something that I wanted to share with more and more people. That was a BIG reason that I left daily clinical work to assume the role of educational coordinator for DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training. The concepts, progressions, of the Ultimate Sandbags exercises because of the system, was something I wanted as many people to experience as possible! 

Yet, Josh often wanted me to get out there more. He thought the way to really express my passion for DVRT was to write, speak, and teach. I’ll be honest, three things that terrify the heck out of me. However, if this was the way to inspire people, if this was the way to help people to see real change, I figured I could at least try the challenge. 

Love showing people how simple looking DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises done with great technique and intent can be game changing!

Hopefully many of you have enjoyed my last several articles here on our blog. I think the key to success in anything is education. Knowing the why’s is as important as the how’s. Understanding how our body’s function and what we are doing with our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises to make science come to life!

If we can combine the two, I think we can make dramatic change for anyone! Seeing how simple DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises can be but the results they can produce are huge!

Most of the time in the clinic I could narrow a lot of problems down to three areas of the body. Low backs, knees, and shoulders. Even though these are drastically different areas of the body, they possess a lot of commonalities. In fact, they often impact one another to a great degree. 

More and more as I saw how we could not solve one problem, but enhance the entire body at once. Instead of focusing on focusing on how to “fix” an area of the body, how about we improve the efficiency, the functionality, and the whole. Since our body isn’t a Frankenstein composite of parts, learning to strengthen the body as it is designed is far superior than looking at it in individual parts. 

The idea of how our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises feed one into another is one of the main reasons I fell in love with the system. There is no ONE exercise you must perform, but how you create a foundation and direction that is more important!

I know these things because I have basically experienced myself with all of the “big 3” problems. Yes, low back, shoulders, and knees! When you get to the point where thing things you loves to do are being taken away from you, then you see the need to change. Not what you are just doing at the gym, but how you see building a better, smarter body.

I’m getting excited for our new DVRT Shoulder Restoration because when you learn about how the body works you will find out that it isn’t ever just about one part of the body.

What gets me most motivated to share this new Ultimate Sandbag Training information is the idea that learning about the body will change how you train. Empowering coaches to really make a difference with people. Making an impact in a way that most don’t imagine, that is giving them possibly back what they thought they may have lost, that is the freedom of movement.

I hope you will keep looking at the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training videos we post not just in this blog but all throughout our DVRT site for free HERE. Knowledge can be power if we really take time to gain understanding of the only body we are given!