I’ve wanted to share my experiences with you because I hope it inspires you. Sure, you may not be coming off surgery, but you can achieve the great things that are meaningful to you. That is really what I want for you with DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training. It doesn’t have to be complicated, overwhelming, time consuming, boring, or any of the REAL reasons that most think fitness programs won’t work.
In fact, real great fitness can not only allow you to achieve great things, but do them in a manner that is fun, exciting, challenging, and honestly, inspiring. At least these are the lessons that my own rehabilitation has taught me. When I was told by my doctor that it would be two years till I would be able to really use my right leg again, I was devastated.
Not so much because of my own training (okay, maybe a little), but questioning what type of role model myself and my program would be. Fortunately, I have my real life Adrian to my Rocky in Jessica. She simply told me to do what I believe and that was DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training.
At first it was very basic and slowly I was able to build and build. That is what becoming more resilient both physically and mentally is all about. The ability to continue to build even at the smallest levels. Pretty soon what didn’t seem like a big deal at the time accumulates into something profound. For each person that means something different. Whether it is overcoming a fear, tackling a movement, or achieving a specific fitness goal. For me, it was being well ahead of schedule of re-gaining use of my right leg!
I know I am building my own body armor because what this accomplishment means to me. It means regaining my life, my confidence, and my motivation to do even more! We want YOU to get the same sense, whatever that means to you. That is really the underlying message of every DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training blog we do because both Jessica and I do know what it means to be held hostage by all those things that keep people from being their best. Doubt, fear, apprehension, all these real emotions that don’t allow us to be or do what we really want.
That is why we create drills that not just open your body, but your mind as well. To show you that movement, strength, and fitness are the keys to unlocking so much more. See how you feel with just two minutes of this type of challenge. When we combine two elements that people love and create something so much more.
Want to create your own Body Armor? We have a special EXTREMELY LIMITED (no BS there, really!) offer that will combine a special Ultimate Sandbag package and FREE DVRT workouts! Check it out HERE, once it is gone it is gone!
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