Education has always been the most important weapon for any coach in being able to help people achieve their goals. Whether it is about performing their best, being their healthiest, greater injury resilience, and more confidence in developing a body that inspires them to live their best. While there are many education programs out in the fitness industry, there is a reason that our DVRT system has continued to be in high demand by associations like NSCA, NASM, AFPA, DCAC, and the U.S. military. We don’t teach just exercises, we provide a better understanding of how our bodies are designed to perform and function. Bringing the best science to a system of practical application helps coaches become SO much more effective in knowing EXACTLY what their clients need and how to problem solve upon their journey. That is why we don’t want to help great education be accessible to more people by releasing ALL of our DVRT program online.
Can you get a great educational experience online? While we love our live events, there are great benefits to online programs as well. We aren’t restricted by time so we can give every progression and problem solving step in teaching better and true functional fitness. Online education allows us to provide a resource that comes to life in in-depth instructional videos to accompany detailed cuing. DVRT programs are designed to take the guess work out of taking someone from foundational levels to advanced functional fitness. These programs are GUARANTEED not to disappoint!
Now save up to $250 on the best education available in the industry today!
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