Let’s face it, there is some well intended advice in fitness that is somewhat good and on the other side the reason that people can’t stick to their goals. One of the best examples is the idea of “meal prep”, I know you have heard of it! People will lay out all their groceries and show you how they fill container after container of the same foods for their whole week. On its face, the idea of being prepared and saving time are all good aspects of meal prep.
However, can we be honest? The fourth and fifth day of eating something that has been sitting in your fridge usually falls down in its appeal. You open that fourth container and just a part of you can’t take the smell or sight of that food you prepared, you go on a scavenger hunt for anything that sounds better than eating the SAME thing that has been sitting in your fridge for days. You start to feel a bit burned out on “eating healthy” and throwing out food stinks for a whole bunch of reasons.
While I am not against meal prep as a general idea (I love the idea of planning your meals, being prepared to get what you need at the grocery store, and saving time in your week), but I think many overlook the easy ways we can cook during the week to keep ourselves nourished, satisfied, and not kill ourselves in the process.
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Dietitian, Megan Berner shows an easy lunch or dinner idea that doesn’t take long to prepare and can help you not only live on meal prep ideas.
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Quick and easy meal ideas like Megan shows helps us have a balanced and fulfilling diet that keeps us on track
I found with many of my clients over the years, they didn’t think cooking was something they had time or energy for, but cooking doesn’t have to be elaborate or time consuming. It also gives you the freedom to try different foods, recipes, and expand the types of foods that help you towards your fitness goals and also make you feel good! That is why I never enjoyed telling people exactly what to eat and dietitian Megan Berner explains even more why being a slave to a meal prep plan can be something that doesn’t lead to our success.
Meal prep isn’t necessarily a bad thing and many ideas around it can be helpful. However, we have to possess some more tools and abilities than relying on what we made Sunday for our Friday meal. Being consistent means being able to easily adapt and eat a wide variety of foods. This way you avoid burnout and don’t get frustrated with the lifestyle you are trying to build.
Want to learn more about how to build good habits and the keys to good nutrition and a diet that will help you sustain your fitness goals? Don’t miss dietitian and fitness coach, Megan Berner’s “Blueprint For Success” program where she breaks down these ideas, gives you an awesome workbook, an easy recipe guide, and for a limited time, our 12 week DVRT Jump Start program too! Best of all, it is 30% off HERE
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