
Bags, Bells, Balls & Bands: Strength & Fascial Training


Getting fit and healthy has probably never seemed SO complicated. Where once we thought just eating healthy and working out was enough, NOW we are asked to increase our mobility, focus on breath work, improve our sleep, meditate, journal, sauna, cold plunge, get sunlight, manage stress and more!!! This can seem like an impossible task and starts to frustrate people even more!

That is why we created our NEW “Bags, Bells, Balls, & Bands” training program. This six-month program both provides you with the road map on how to train smarter so that you can achieve your fitness goals and combine the most current science that shows we can combine all these elements of wellbeing into practical and sensible programs. You will find we bring the science to life to improve…

-Cardiovascular Fitness

-Balance Training

-Functional Strength

-Increased Overall Mobility

-Improved Sleep

-Greater Stability

-Decreased Stress and more!

It isn’t magic, we use research of meditative movement, functional training, and corrective exercise to help people not only look their best, but feel better in their overall life as well!

***For a limited time get our Myofascial Integrated Movement mobility ball guide with 40 additional exercises for FREE!

*no refunds can be issued on downloadable products. Program links can be found in your order confirmation. 


People have learned having the goal of JUST losing body fat doesn’t really satisfy what they want to achieve from their training. In our modern society, people are more stressed and exhausted from the many challenges of life. It can seem impossible to really get fit because more than ever we are told in order to be healthy we have to perform a million different activities. Inevitably people try their best to implement these various strategies, but often feel like they fall flat because it becomes too overwhelming to keep with day in and day out.

Reaching our goals of being leaner and stronger while also improving our energy levels and managing our stress doesn’t have to be two conflicting ideas. Current research is showing us that specific movement systems can help us achieve both and that is what our NEW Bags, Bells, Balls, & Bands programs helps people discover.

functional strength

With over 150 exercises, 6 months of warm-ups and workouts, people can learn not to just train hard, but to help how their bodies feel, the state of their mind, improve how they move, and enjoy what using the science of mind and body can teach us about more effective training.

We focus on these four primary categories of functional training tools because they offer so much versatility and effectiveness. They can be used for any fitness level and progressed easily as your fitness and movement increases. This means you never outgrow your gym and your gym can be anywhere that works best for you. After all, we want YOU to feel like this isn’t just a short-term solution, but a path you can use for the long-term to help your fitness and health.

kettlebell training

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