
Evaluating And Training Foot & Knee Mechanics Masterclass Webinar


Feet and knee issues are not only common issues in many people themselves, but they also can cause problems up the body’s chain. Our body is interconnected and when we have foot issues that can not only also result in knee concerns, but also into our hips, backs, and even dysfunction in our upper body. That is why understanding both feet and knee function and how to build health in both our knees and feet are essential for overall body health.

When we learn about the real issues that our body faces we can understand how popular methods like wedging the heels, trying to isolate muscles of the quads and lower leg (like that tibialis anterior and soleus) aren’t effective means in addressing these issues. That is why we are excited to announce our “6-Week Evaluating And Training Foot & Knee Mechanics Masterclass” led by physical therapist, Jessica Bento and strength coach, Josh Henkin. What will you learn in the six weeks?


-What are the correct mechanics of our feet not only in static postures, but in movement and how this influences everything in our body.


-How to address the feet without causing excessive stress on already problematic areas like the plantar fascia and when ideas like barefoot training are helpful or hurtful to our goals.


-Why understanding how we walk gives us great insight into our training needs and deficiencies in our body.


-Learn why artificial stability and mobility of our body causes more problems by altering the way our nervous system creates movements.


-Discover more efficient ways to build greater stability, mobility, and strength based on science to make our training more effective and accessible.

Scroll down the page for more info!



We are meant to be mammals that stand and move on two feet. That means EVERYTHING that happens to our body starts from the ground up! It is this reason that making sure our feet are as healthy and performing the best they can is so essential to developing full body strength, but also helping common issues in the low back, knees, hips, and even the upper body!

Research shows that alterations of our foot can lead to the development of low back pain (1). The feet can also cause issues of the knee, even some of the most challenging conditions. One that may surprise people is a relationship with something as challenging as osteoarthritis (2).

knee pain

With the awareness that our body is not just muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments, but also complex networks of connective tissue known as fascia, also places the importance of the feet impacting the whole body. Due to these “fascial webs” the upper body is also impacted by what occurs at the feet. 

foot pain

This is why strategies like wedging our heels on lower body exercises could be causing more harm than good. Understanding the true root causes of foot, ankle, and knee issues will help you stop chasing the training of individual muscles, but actually address the true challenges that these areas of the body faces. There are A LOT of popular misconceptions that can send the coach and therapist going the wrong direction in their training.

knee pain

Looking at the issues of both the feet and knees will help us go a long way in not only making these structures of the body healthier, but will help improve all areas of our body and the way we perform in life and sport. During our 6-week Foot & Knee Masterclass we will dive deep into how to better understand the real challenges of these areas of the bodies, how to avoid common myths & misconceptions, how to build progressions based upon the science of movement, and much more!

-Attendees will receive .8 CEUs with NASM credits upon completion of exam, please contact customer service for the exam if you are looking to get NSAM CEU’s


What will each week entail?

Week 1: Webinar discussing the functional anatomy of the foot, ankle, and knee complexes and the influence they have on overall movement such as locomotion, squatting, jumping, and more. We will also break down common misconceptions and myths surrounding these areas of the body. (Attendees will also receive our recording for free of “Does Knees Over Toes Build Healthy Knees?” webinar)


Week 2: In-depth screening of the foot, ankle, and knee as well as relevant movement screens such as gait analysis


Week 3: How to use current pain science in training to improve joint mobility, perceived pain, and to teach movement concepts that will improve the function of the foot, ankle, and knee


Week 4: Stability based exercises for the foot, ankle, and knee complex based on current literature of functional movement and avoiding popular exercises and methods that can cause more issues in these areas to occur.


Week 5: How to use strength training to enhance the function of the foot, ankle, and knee and why focusing on the concepts like the tibialis anterior, calf muscles, and quadriceps is not well founded or beneficial for improving resilience and function.


Week 6: Developing performance level strength and resilience of the foot, ankle, and knee for both the athlete and non-athlete alike to perform every day activities, hobbies, and sport to the best of their ability.


*these are all downloadable products, program links can be found in you order confirmation 

*no refunds issued on downloadable programs 

*be sure to log into your account or create and account prior to purchasing so you can easily access your programs 



  1. Menz HB, Dufour AB, Riskowski JL, Hillstrom HJ, Hannan MT. Foot posture, foot function and low back pain: the Framingham Foot Study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013 Dec;52(12):2275-82. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ket298. Epub 2013 Sep 17. PMID: 24049103; PMCID: PMC3828513.
  2. Paterson KL, Hinman RS, Hunter DJ, Wrigley TV, Bennell KL. Impact of concurrent foot pain on health and functional status in people with knee osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2015 Jul;67(7):989-95. doi: 10.1002/acr.22537. PMID: 25581254; PMCID: PMC4482794.