
Low Back Pain/Pelvic Control 6-Week Online Masterclass


You may have heard stats like “80% of people will experience low back pain at some point in their life.” That sounds like a lot, but we often miss HOW big of an issue low back pain is in the world. Low back pain is number ONE cause of disability worldwide and its prevalence is only increasing!


What may be MOST shocking to people is that 90% of low back pain is considered non-specific (it isn’t possible to identify a specific disease or structural reason to explain the pain). That means we are probably getting so much about low back pain WRONG!!!


It is LESS likely that low back pain is caused by weakness of the low back, core stability, as it by THE BRAIN!! This doesn’t meant that people are making up their low back pain, it is VERY real! However, the real root cause of low back pain is often far more complex than most people believe. That is why research has shown very little correlation with exercises like deadlifts improving low back pain (1) and there is not a SINGLE study showing that exercises like kettlebell swings improve low back pain.


However, there is staggering new research showing how when we address the brain we can see up to 2/3rds of people with challenging and resistant chronic low back pain become either completely or almost totally pain free (2). What does this mean in creating workout programs by fitness professions, strength coaches, and physical therapists? Find out in our special 6 week online Masterclass on Low Back Pain & Pelvic Control.


Physical therapist, Jessica Bento and strength coach, Josh Henkin, will take you through six weeks of the following in depth training.


Week 1: Understand the most current science about low back pain and learn how to avoid common myths.


Week 2: Learn practical methods of working with the brain to reduce pain perception, fear of pain, and starting to empower those with chronic low back pain.


Week 3: Discover when core training is helpful and when it isn’t for chronic low back pain and where many go wrong in teaching proper core stability and pelvic control.


Week 4: Evaluate when and what type of stretching is most appropriate for chronic low back pain and how to most optimally apply stretching into a program.


Week 5: Apply the science that shows us the most effective strength training methods and helping low back pain and building proper pelvic control.


Week 6: Learn how to put together a program for chronic low back pain and pelvic control with case studies



*please check out below for more information regarding class specifics and common questions



Did you know that up to 90% of low back pain is considered non-specific? That means the great majority of low back pain has NOTHING to do with spinal damage of any sort, yet, low back pain is STILL one of the top causes of disability worldwide. Why is something that is not causing damage to our body such a difficult problem to solve?!

The answer is that chronic low back pain is a complex issue. Our physical and mental well-being both play a pivotal part in how we experience as well as treat chronic low back pain problems. There isn’t one answer that will fit everyone and fitness pros, strength coaches, and physical therapists can no longer afford not to address the emotional side of pain.

low back pain

Yet, how do people who don’t work in mental health integrate essential strategies into their practice? This is one of the MANY answers that physical therapist, Jessica Bento and strength coach, Josh Henkin will answer in our new Low Back Pain/Pelvic Control Masterclass.

This special 6-week online course will address the many facets of chronic low back pain and pelvic control issues. You will learn the following….

Week 1: The most current pain and neuroscience research on chronic low back pain and how this impacts how we prioritize our training and how we work with those with chronic pain challenges.

low back pain

Week 2: Screens for evaluating pelvic control, core stability, and other factors that may give valuable information on how movement is impacting one’s pain.

Week 3: Evidence-based strategies to incorporate more effective stretching, mobility, and breath work practices for chronic pain individuals.

Week 4: Why and how to teach somatic tracking and mindfulness practices to your training routine and as lifestyle practices for clients.

low back pain

Week 5: Understanding if core stability helps low back pain and what are the more effective core exercises for low back pain/pelvic control.

Week 6: Essential considerations and strategies for strength training and conditioning for those with chronic low back pain/pelvic control