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Is Stretching The Back Good For Low Back Pain?

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) I don’t have to give you the stats on low back pain. You know A LOT of people are suffering with back pain. […]

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Science Based Glute & Low Back Exercises For Back Pain

We discussed previously, some very powerful and unique ways to improve our mobility for back pain and even some foundational strength. Today, I wanted to start looking at how we continue to build on these ideas to more functional strength […]

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Why Mobility Training Often Doesn’t Work

Having been in the fitness industry not just as a coach, but as a student for almost 30 years has provided me to have some unique insights and trends that get missed by many. I remember that I even started […]

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The Smarter Exercise To Develop Hip Mobility

There is so much emphasis on hip mobility and health on the internet, but it can be overwhelming to know which drills are really effective and which ones aren’t quite worth the effort. What the industry overall has to do […]

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The FIRST Place People Go Wrong With Low Back Pain

The internet is an interesting place, as much as I like to give it a hard time for a lot of the wacky information that goes on there (which there is plenty of) it also gives me an opportunity to […]

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Does Glute Training Actually Help Low Back Pain

A lot of people are focused on glute training because partly, they want to help reduce and prevent low back pain (so they say). How much evidence is there that glute training actually helps low back pain and does it […]

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My Back Is Broken Now What?! Re-Thinking Low Back Pain

TRUST ME, few people would get the idea of being “broken” like I would. At almost 48 years old, I have spent 34 years dealing with low back issues. That means most of my life has been dealign with back […]

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How Fitness Is Getting Low Back Pain ALL Wrong!

I actually have great sympathy for the modern fitness professional. For me, when I began in the late 90’s, most of the information we could learn about training came largely from textbooks (okay, we were all guilty of looking at […]

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3 Keys To No Back Pain Deadlifts

No matter how much fitness professionals want to proclaim the solution to back pain is more deadlifting (sorry, I can’t help but think of the old Will Ferrell SNL cowbell skit), there are those that have low back pain when […]

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