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Unlocking Shoulder and Hip Mobility: The Power of Diagonal and Circular Patterns

Shoulder and hip mobility is critical for movement efficiency, injury prevention, and overall athletic performance. These two ball-and-socket joints allow for a wide range of motion, making them fundamental to both daily activities and sports-specific movements. Yet, many people struggle […]

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Why Stretching Doesn’t Fix Movement

UGH! What a jerk!!!! Didn’t Jessica and I just recently do a post on why stretching is good for you?! Are we being THOSE fitness people that say. one thing one moment and then the opposite the next? I get […]

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Is Stretching The Back Good For Low Back Pain?

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) I don’t have to give you the stats on low back pain. You know A LOT of people are suffering with back pain. […]

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A Better Era Of Mobility Training Is HERE

When I developed the first sandbag for fitness programs back in 2004 (yea, there really weren’t fitness sandbags anything like you see with the Ultimate Sandbag back then) it wasn’t about creating just another weight to lift. It was about […]

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We Missing The REAL Point Of Breath Work?

I’ll be honest, I had a REALLY hard time appreciating that breath work was as important as what seemed like everyone I knew was touting. It appeared that no matter the problem, the answer that was being given was “fix […]

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Why Spinal Mobility Isn’t Helping Low Back Pain

To be honest, it made sense to me as well. When I was first having low back issues at 14 and was in physical therapy, I was told to stretch, stretch, and stretch. Admittedly, it felt good at the time, […]

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