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Why the Ultimate Sandbag Clean and Press is Unique: Unleashing the Power of “Alive” Weight

At DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training, our approach to fitness often sparks two reactions: excitement or skepticism. Why skepticism? Because many people view traditional exercises as sacred, despite the fact that these so-called “classics” are often less than a century old. […]

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3 Exercises to Help Your Clean and Press Challenge

Since we have started the “Level Up” Clean and Press Challenge we’ve seen many in our DVRT community getting back to a standard that gives so much information about your training, where you should be going with it, and giving […]

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The Ultimate Sandbag Fitness Challenge

Renown Strength Coach, Coach Dos (Creator of Certified Program Design Specialist Program)  Several months ago I got inspired by a clean and press challenge that Josh Henkin came up with. Josh’s thinking that led him to create this test, was […]

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Building this Power House Exercise

This week we have another great DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training certification coming up in Southern California. That also means there has been a lot of chatter from attendees about what has quickly become one of the toughest and most meaningful […]

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