Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist It might not seem like a natural fit, DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training and Golf?!!! You might be wondering how DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training will make you a better golfer, or why I would even […]
read more2016-04-10
Today’s post was really inspired by you guys! On social media I saw this great picture by Greg Perlaki out of the UK. I was inspired because it is obvious that Greg really gets what not just DVRT Ultimate […]
read more2016-03-25
Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist Earlier this week I wrote about how training can and SHOULD be both highly effective AND safe. While that might not sound like the cool and “sexy” thing to do, the reality is this type […]
read more2016-02-19
When we think of core strength, let’s be honest, we think of the great looking six pack abs. Hearing people without six packs belly aching that core strength is something other than great looking abs just seems like whining, doesn’t […]
read more2015-12-2
“Deadcember Workout” It is definitely a love/hate relationship. I did it for many years so it isn’t as though I don’t have a lot of time spent with it. The deadlift, the exercise that can build or […]
read more2015-11-23
I remember it was one of the most challenging things we use to do for conditioning. Off-season basketball was far worse than in-season. While much shorter, our coaches made it their mission to get us both mentally and physically ready […]
read more2015-11-8
This past weekend I had the great honor of presenting at the National Strength & Conditioning Association Nevada State Clinic (mouthful right?) For those not familiar, the NSCA is one of the higher level organizations in our industry. So, having […]
read more2015-11-6
The Better Glute Exercise Daniel Jackowicz (Two Guns Training Systems) I have a laundry list of injuries and ailments that I wont bore you with, but to say they are anything but excessive would be an understatement. This constant propensity […]
read more2015-11-4
Where did we go wrong? I mean, isn’t that the REAL question to why our society is so much weaker, injury prone, and badly out of shape? Scary enough the answer to this question was given to us probably […]
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