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Science Based Glute & Low Back Exercises For Back Pain

We discussed previously, some very powerful and unique ways to improve our mobility for back pain and even some foundational strength. Today, I wanted to start looking at how we continue to build on these ideas to more functional strength […]

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Does Glute Training Actually Help Low Back Pain

A lot of people are focused on glute training because partly, they want to help reduce and prevent low back pain (so they say). How much evidence is there that glute training actually helps low back pain and does it […]

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Why Isolating Glute Exercises Don’t Lead To Better Glutes

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) A lot of people make the all too common mistake of believing that isolating a muscle is the best way to  improve the […]

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Is Unstable Surface Training Effective?

One of the funny things about being in the fitness industry for a long time (for me, over 25 years) is you see trends begin, fall off, then come back around again promoted by new people and often a new […]

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How To Build Glutes Smarter & Get Stronger

There is a weird narrative out there in social media land (I don’t know if I consider social media the real world so I give its own designation) that when you train in “functional” ways you don’t build muscle as […]

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How To Get SOOO Much More Out Of Deadlifts

I’ve heard it probably now for the past 10-15 years…”If you want strong glutes, hamstrings, and low back, then you gotta deadlift!” or something like “if you want real functional strength that you gotta do your deadlifts.” The reality is […]

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Why We Don’t Understand Glute Training At All!

Sometimes when I feel stuck what to write about, social media gives me a gift. After all, I’ve been writing articles online since 2001, so you can imagine the ideas start to feel sometimes too repetitive. However, after engaging with […]

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Creating More Successful Deadlifts & Hip Hinges

One of the most interesting things to watch as I spend more time in the industry is how things can change so drastically. When I entered the industry 30 years ago, the deadlift was definitely and outlaw lift. The deadlift […]

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Why Squeezing Your Glutes Doesn’t Work

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, Knees Over Toes Course, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) Squeeze the glutes, activate your lats, engage your core…all these are cues I hear coaching and therapists using. Don’t […]

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