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The Smarter Exercise To Develop Hip Mobility

There is so much emphasis on hip mobility and health on the internet, but it can be overwhelming to know which drills are really effective and which ones aren’t quite worth the effort. What the industry overall has to do […]

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The New World of Training Fascia

If you have been paying attention to fitness at all, at some level or another you probably have heard someone tell you that you need to work on your fascia! It might cause one of two reactions, one is to […]

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Most Common Mistakes In Corrective Exercise

Corrective exercise often gets a bad name, sometimes there are fair criticisms, but largely it is misunderstandings about the use and purpose of corrective exercise. Trust me, when you have been in an industry for almost 30 years as I […]

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3 Key For Better Hip Mobility

Hip mobility is of course always a hot topic because having good hip mobility allows us to be stronger and more powerful, but also can help with issues of both knee and low back pain. While social media has a […]

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3 Reasons NOT To Heel Wedge Your Squats

I just came back from a great 4 days of teaching DVRT courses in South Korea. It is amazing to think how DVRT is continuing to spread throughout the world and exceeding what I could ever imagine that our training […]

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Does Core Training Help Low Back Pain?

Oh social media, thank you for always being able to give me something to write about when I am feeling a bit stuck for topics to discuss. You see, the other day Jessica sent me a post from a young […]

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Mobility Training Vs. Stretching Exercises

Pretty much everyone gets into fitness at some point or another and hears that they should stretch and that it’s good for them. I remember being a young coach in the late ’90s, the major reason to do stretching exercises […]

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Developing Better Shoulder & Hip Mobility At Once!

One of the biggest challenges with mobility training is that you don’t want it to take up your already limited training time, but you also know that it will be difficult to make progress if you don’t move well. While […]

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3 Bad Mistakes In Mobility Training

We hope you had a great holiday and know that many don’t really get back on track till after the New Year, but we don’t think we should wait on giving you great training information that you can use right […]

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