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Ultimate Sandbag Training Impacts Physical Therapy!

It is Friday night, Jessica and I are flying to Seattle for a DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Restoration and Level 1 Certification weekend. From the outside it may seem like a very typical trip, but it is actually very special for a lot of reasons.

Jess and I had totally different interpretations of what she was doing here!

One of the biggest is the fact that the class is almost all physical therapists, chiropractors, and athletic trainers. Really the first time we have ever had such a program! Sure, there have been some of each of these health professionals at our programs, but a whole class? That’s pretty cool!

I say this is pretty cool for DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training not for the reasons that you may first assume. Growing up, I spent A LOT of the time in doctors’ offices. A klutz, uncoordinated, unlucky. You can call it what you want, but I ended up getting hurt a lot doing things that normal kids did without thought. Heck, I remember starting my Freshman year of high school on crutches, awesome right?!

So, orthopedists, physical therapists, all health professionals are not new to me, sadly probably far too familiar than most. That is why seeing the excitement they have for what DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training is pretty cool.

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No, we didn’t do any special marketing, we have just done what we always thought was best in regards to our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training….give great information out on a regular basis. That is the other really cool part. It happens to everyone, you don’t always know, you aren’t sure if the message you are sending day in and day out is getting to people. Sure, you see some likes and shares, but I always wanted DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training to be far more impactful.

Whenever I think that way though I just have to turn to the seat beside me and see Jessica. DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training isn’t my story, it is ours. Remembering how she would be almost in tears trying to get out of bed because of the pain of her back. Her thinking she couldn’t lift in certain ways because of her torn rotator cuffs. To see her do things almost seamlessly makes it all worth while.


So great to not only create impactful fitness profess for people, but do it together!

I think back as I sit hear, being scared as a young teenager being told I may not walk right again after a severe ankle injury. That I was “retired” from basketball because my legs were giving out as I ran sprints. All the way to laying in a hospital bed myself the day before my third spinal surgery, hoping, not that I would lift heavy weights, run for miles, or anything of the such. Rather, hoping I could walk on my own, that I could live a life where I wasn’t reliant on Jessica to take care of me.

These aren’t fantasies (or maybe I should say nightmares) these are realities of what I have gone through in my life. Of course there will be the naysayers that question, “if Ultimate Sandbag Training is THAT good for you, why did you go through all this?!”

I have to laugh and chuckle a bit. For one, most of the stories I have shared with you happen before I ever even thought about our system or creating the Ultimate Sandbag. There is a larger part of me though that wishes I could go back to those doctors and have you hear what they thought I was going to be like, the prognosis’ that would entail “if you are lucky you will walk without assistance.”

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Being able to help impact even the world of physical therapy has been so amazingly rewarding!

When many of these health professionals hear what I have been through and watch me move, they are often left in disbelief. It is hard for most people to know the extent of what my body has gone through, the damage it has caused, the emotional as well as physical trauma it has left.

So, when I say it is cool that we are teaching this weekend’s DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training course to all these health professionals, it isn’t because it is some superficial ego boost. No, it is because if I can help share with them ideas, methods, techniques, and most importantly a system, that allows them to impact the lives of others, that is the greatest reward I could ever ask of our program!

Want to know what is causing people to re-think functional fitness? Want to know why professionals from all aspects of health and performance are coming to DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training?

Come check out our live DVRT events HERE and if you can’t make it, save 25% on our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training online courses with coupon code “strong” HERE