I actually had a whole different blog post ready to role out. Pretty good if I say so myself, but I won’t:) Then this morning I got a text from one of my clients (he is 70 so funny to get a text from him) that read “DUDE, you are in the Wall Street Journal!”
About a week or so ago I was super excited to have the opportunity to speak with a writer for the Wall Street Journal for about a good hour. She was asking me all sorts of questions about our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training program.
To say she was fun and interesting is an understatement. Well, today the article came out and it was so cool to see DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training in something like the Wall Street Journal. After all, you don’t think of this newspaper when you think of general fitness information, this seemed a bit special.
I really didn’t know what to expect in actually reading the article. Many times in media you can talk a lot to the reporter and your information gets boiled down to a line or two. This really exceeded my expectations in a really good discussion of DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training.
In fact, there was even this statement….
“Exercising with an unstable load, such as a sandbag, can force you to recruit many muscles in unison—including muscles that don’t always get a workout with predictable loads, says Washington, D.C., physical therapist Robert Gillanders, a spokesman for the American Physical Therapy Association in Alexandria, Va.”
In all honesty, I don’t know this gentleman, but a pretty cool endorsement of our type of training. In full disclosure, I have NO idea if he even knows about what we do or our program. I say this because of a statement by him that follows…..
“For safety reasons, Dr. Gillanders recommends out-of-shape people or those new to weightlifting start training with machines or free weights to build some strength before trying sandbags. Use sandbags to add occasional spice to your workout, he says, and start with half the amount of weight you’d normally use.”
With all due respect to Dr. Gillanders, I would have to disagree greatly! Now again, I have no idea if he knows what we teach, what we do, etc. However, there seems to be a bit of a contradiction in his thought process.
The whole idea of the words “functional training” are really to teach the body to move in unison. If we can teach anyone to accomplish this why would we NOT use it as a powerful foundation to their fitness and health? Also, if you can hit muscles you don’t always hit with other tools, then you MUST think this is more than an occasional tool!
What Dr. Gillanders refers to as those missed muscles are the stabilizers of the body. Those of the shoulder, trunk, hips, and more that actually go a long way in preventing injuries and enhancing our longevity.
So, what would make a professional that seems to “get it” say you have to get in shape basically before trying Ultimate Sandbag Training? If you read the quotes again, there is very little discussion about how Ultimate Sandbag Training is actually implemented. What are the progressions, what is the purpose of different drills, how do you make purposeful variation?
That is why the DVRT portion of DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training is so important! You have to know the why’s! Just this past weekend we got to work with a great group of fitness pros that got to experience this first hand in our DVRT certification in New York.
We don’t teach “how to use a sandbag.” We went over in great depth how you implement Ultimate Sandbag Training into a comprehensive program. So, that no matter if you are working with someone exercising for the VERY first time they could benefit, or if they have trained all their life!
I love the Ultimate Sandbag we have created, I think it is freaking awesome! However, I am more proud of the system we have developed to make it so much than “just another tool”. This coming weekend I am heading to Vancouver to speak at a National Strength & Conditioning Association conference about this very thing. Coaches from the premier performance facilities and even Nike are going to be there. Guess what, I have no interest in selling them on Ultimate Sandbags.
I want them to see the solution, the system. It is absolutely incredible to watch the system to be used with people to literally transform them. THAT is the power of Ultimate Sandbag Training and the DVRT system!
In the end I am super pumped that DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training gets such amazing opportunities. Laura (the reporter) who admitted to me she wasn’t the most hard core exercise person ended up saying…
“I tried out a bright pink Ultimate Sandbag, filled halfway with about 20 pounds of sand from the hardware store and following the enclosed DVD’s instructions. The sandbag exercises were new and fun to me. I particularly enjoyed the rotational lunge, where you swing the bag to one side of your body while lunging backwards. I felt all my muscles were being used, particularly my abdomen. Since several of the exercises challenged muscles I didn’t expect to use, I was glad I started with only half of the weight the sandbag holds.”
I don’t know, that makes me smile. Having spoken with her I can just see her giggling and smiling going through these movements. To me, that is very cool! Want to read the full article? Click HERE
Want to know about the DVRT system! Check out our DVRT for Fitness Professional and Strength Coaches DVD HERE or our new DVRT Correctives Program HERE either for 20% off for the next 48 hours by using coupon code “dvrt”. Want YOU to know and feel the system for yourself!
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