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How Ultimate Sandbag Workouts Help Fitness Business

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The biggest thrill I get about DVRT Ultimate Sandbag workouts is the impact it has people. That impact is not just on how it changes people physically, but the ability that fitness professionals have in serving people better. I’ve also been lucky to meet some pretty incredible people that are dedicated to helping people to such a great degree.

In order to help you see what is possible with DVRT Ultimate Sandbag workouts I wanted to bring you the work of Tanya Miszko Kefer who owns 30 Minutes of Everything in Accord, New York. In a little over 1200 sq. feet she is able to help over 200 people in her community, not just lose weight, but change their lives! That made me want to share how she is using Ultimate Sandbag workouts to make such a difference!

Q: Tanya, can you tell us a bit of your background, how you got into fitness and your philosophy of training?

TK: I was a gymnast all my life until I went to college, where I started weight training. I wanted to be like one of those American Gladiator women – jacked, bulging muscles, ripped abs, and able to do anything! I trained hard and crazy in undergrad and competed in a few bodybuilding shows. I was introduced to Olympic-style lifting when I was an intern Strength & Conditioning Coach at the US Naval Academy. While getting my doctorate at UGA, I continued with the Olympic lifting, but fell back into my bodybuilding style training. Fast forward a few years, 2 bulging discs later, a few months of physical therapy and I realized that what I was doing wasn’t working anymore. I started doing more compound exercises and functional movements in 2012, which made my body feel so much better. I’ve always believed in being fit, but now I understand what that really means: I train to help my body be the best it can for the rest of my life!

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Q: Who do you work with and how do you approach each population differently?

TK: I work with a group of people aged 16 to 82 years old. Primarily we are a group training studio coaching about 20 people per class. Each class follows the same progressions of training, but at a different rate – of course. Our classes are offered in three fitness levels (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced). The Beginner group is typically my older adult population, so we limit impact movements ( ie. jump squats, plyo push ups), less up and down from the floor, and less overhead pressing. Our Advanced class progresses at a quicker rate and the layers of movement build into more complex combinations. The Intermediate group falls in the middle with options for less/more intensity dependent on personal fitness level and skill. If someone has an issue and we need to modify a movement, we do that. Each client’s skill level and physical limitations are addressed during each class. We fully embrace the DVRT principles so that every person in our classes can get the most from the program.

sandbag workouts

Q: What attracted you to DVRT Ultimate Sandbag workouts?

TK: At first I just thought the sandbag was really cool and I wanted to have one! I wanted to do something different than what others around me were doing. Then I learned about the DVRT system, not just about sandbag workouts. DVRT was a system that I could apply to every client in my 8 week group class or individual sessions. It’s simple. It’s intense. It’s easy to modify. The system makes sense and Ultimate Sandbag workouts work with ANYONE! These principles have, without a doubt, improved the lives of my clients.

Q: Some people think the DVRT concepts are complex, what are your thoughts and how have you been able to be so successful with it?

TK: Oh no! The concepts totally make sense to me, which is why I can implement them so easily and my clients can follow. I’ve simply explained planes of motion, cross-body patterns, and the importance of engaging your lats to my clients in emails and during class. Doing this helps them understand the why behind our what – why we are doing this particular movement and the importance of it. I can’t tell you how many “ah-ha” moments we’ve had in class! It just makes sense and I think that is what makes the system so successful.

Q: What types of results have you seen implementing the system and Ultimate Sandbag workouts?

TK: The best results are when clients tell me what has changed in their daily life! For example, a middle-aged client swung her carry-on case into the overhead compartment in an airplane without even thinking if she needed help! Another client tripped while winter hiking a serious mountain and credited the program for his strength, which saved him from a fall. There are so many day to day success stories! As their Coach I’m seeing much better control in their movements, more range of motion with proper form, less hip rotation when they’re trying to stabilize, and confidence! Confidence in their movements, with committing to an exercise routine, and in their abilities is huge!

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Q: What problems did DVRT Ultimate Sandbag workouts help solve for you?

TK: For me personally, DVRT Ultimate Sandbag workouts have helped my shoulder and back pain, which I’m sure came from years of gymnastics and training stupidly. I’m very aware of my body and how it can compensate. I always thought I had a tight core until I started doing the plank lateral bag drag or something simple like leg lowers with the Ultimate Sandbag. When I realized one day that my legs could go full range of motion without an arch in my back, WOW – that was proof that what I was doing was totally working! And before DVRT, I would maybe use 20lb dumbbells for overhead press because I could not extend one arm fully upright (range of motion was limited). Now, I can clean and press a 60lb Ultimate Sandbag with full range of motion and no pain! My body is so much more mobile and strong at 44 than it was when I was competing at 21!

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Q: That’s pretty awesome, so what advice could you give people who want to look into or implement DVRT?

I would tell people to give the program a few months of commitment, be “ok” with a less is more workout, and see how you feel after a few months. From my personal experience and that of my 200+ clients, we’ll never go back to “traditional” training again! DVRT Ultimate Sandbag workouts offer us more moments of empowerment, strength that helps us in the real world, and confidence in our abilities. Try it!

Can’t beat better advice than that! You can check out more of Tanya’s great place HERE. If you are interested in learning the power of our DVRT system and how it can help you and those you work with don’t miss our upcoming events HERE and save 30% for a VERY Limited time longer on our Online programs with coupon code “newyear” HERE

sandbag workouts