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Farm Strong Ultimate Sandbag Training

Don’t Miss Our BIG NEW Site Launch with 25% Off DVRT Ultimate Sandbags with Coupon Code “dvrt25” HERE


Troy Anderson DVRT Master Instructor (Alpha Kettlebell)


Personally I love when folks just 
step in it (pardon the farm pun)
…… and don’t even realize it. 
Ya, know those times when the 
minute  someone opens their
mouth, you KNOW  that they are 
completly full of it. 
In the day and age where
everyone is an expert at everything.
There are two areas that this type
of hubris REALLY standout in the 
fitness world:
1) people who allege to have a basis
or understanding of the of farm work
when in reference to developing physical
2)  Unstable implement training, specifically
sandbag training.
Ask any Joe, Sally, or Jazzy
trainer and they readily claim
to have done thousands of hours
of manual farm labor and have 
been training with unconventional 
implements like “sandbags”, for decades……
If for some reason you take them
to task and ask them WHY, they
do what they do. 
They’ll confidently and emphatically 
claim that training with sandbags is 
great because ofthe ‘instability’ and/or 
‘shifting weight’ 
These are just the type of ‘sound bites’
that allow you to ‘instantly’ recognize our 
doo-doo foot, instant expert. 
The sandbag is a very open-source
implement that can be use for almost
any training goal which is the best
and worst aspect of sandbag training. 
Leaving a large swath of two groups.
Naysayers with the  battle cry of:  how’s that possible
that there’s a system for sandbag training!
Doo-doo experts glom on the lastets, coolest, 
hippster ‘thing’ and don’t think they should have
to or need system. Affectionately also known as the
“I got this guy.”
Quite a paradox if you ask me. 
See I’m from a farm steady grinding work
wins the day.  When it comes to Ultimate Sandbag
training that means mastering the basics
and understanding where the system will/can
take you, then of course everyone’s favorite word
practice,  ‘you said practice’ 
Today’s WOD is inspired by moving
1,000 miles, getting back to my origins.
Being inspired by my surrounding and 
trying to put into context a couple things 
I am pretty passionate about being 
Farm Strong and DVRT Ultimate Sandbag training.
[Ironically that both have a lot of similarities]
The reason why ‘farm strong’ and Ultimate Sandbag
training have such great carry-over to 
so many other athletic and lifestyle 
Is wait for the system….the system
builds the STRENGTH.
Whether you start off as an 8 yr old
carrying buckets of water 
A 58 yr old learning how to do Bear 
Hug squats. 
The  longer you stay in the system
the more carry-over you get or 
in other words the more Farm Strong
you get.  
In regards to sandbag training specifically
the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training system
a HUGE tenet of the success is accuracy or in
other words respecting the subtly of the REAL WORLD. 
In DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training we make
and train subtle progressive overload manipulation 
like, load shift load, load position, 
footwork with great intent and accuracy.
Whether doing the clean & press, 
the Around the World/AtW, or just
holding an excellent front load position
all of these  when practiced (there’s that word again)
over time make a BIG IMPACT. 
The relationship and carry-over
Farm Strong is simply, on the
farm things are rarely 
equal and at the same 
we aren’t making maximal 
load attempts yet we are doing
a wide variety of strength efforts   
all-day everyday. 
If say it sounds like you are
doing a little of everything 
you’d be correct.  
Another great training concept we 
present in today’s WOD is descending
complexity in an effort to manage fatigue 
express optimal movement quality, whether
in power movement or a static hold 
So we taken inspiration from many places
  • Being back on the Anderson Farm
  • DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training
  • and if a little sprinkle of FMS(love the lift and chop, do ya)
in our road to rocking today’s WOD 
called:  FarmStrong Origins

** 6 Rds **


1 Round = Below 

L. Side Vertical SledgeHammer Strike  x 20 sec

R. Side Vertical SledgeHammer Strike  x 20 sec

Ultimate Sandbag Training Clean & Press/Push-Press x 20 sec

MisFit Double Kettlebell Rack Hold x 40 sec 

Rest 50 sec 

Repeat 5 more times 

The moral of the WOD is whether you are
using DVRT or working on the Farm(strong) 
you’ve got to ‘work/practice’ your system and
if you do diligently and consistently the system
will provide you a bountiful harvest of  all-around
strength, or you you could just call it Farm Strong