What I love to hear the most is how people use DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training to transform their or others lives. No really, like BIG transformations! That is why when DVRT Master, Chad Skrederstu, told me the results they were getting with people at his facility, 168 Fitness, I knew we had to share it with all of you. How do YOU get similar results that are changing what people expect from their workouts.
JH: Chad, why did you decide to use DVRT for a transformation challenge?
CS: We had a 16 people in our Fit Program that ranged from a woman who was 5′ 5″ 275 and completely new to exercise to a young fit Los Angeles Police Department was very fit. As a result the DVRT system made the most sense to have a scalable program that would lend it’s self to people of all different fitness levels.
Chad coaching members to success!
We also had all of our members coming 6 days a week to train so we need a system that would allow us to get work capacity, progressive overload but at the same time allow for adequate recovery. Another factor was in general it seems our women are more open to using the Ultimate Sandbag and less intimidated by the implement as opposed to big heavy bar.
JH: What was involved in the program?
CS: The program is called the Fit in 42 which was created by Casey and Gerry Washack . This is our most popular and successful program. This program is 6 days a week with optional 7th where we hike. The program starts off with a group orientation where we explain the full depth of the program. Particpants then write why you’re doing this program because it’s not a weight loss program it’s a transformation program. We also have the participants write a letter to their future selves.
We also put the members in groups to have a support system within the group. In this time we discuss the 34 page nutrition guide we will email all of the participants and answer any questions.
Then that Sunday we do a shopping tour at Trader Joes and explain exactly what they will need to by and explain why. The Fit 42 starts on a Monday and there is no alcohol allowed for the 42 days but caffeine is ok;)
Building good habits is key!
Each week we have life coaching on how members are dealing with the changes of increase exercise, change in eating and lifestyle changes. We also do check ins every Monday with body fat and weight to make sure we’re getting the results the members set on the first day of orientation. There is a different workout every day and the program gets progressively harder during the six weeks.
This program is a full immersion program where moderation is thrown out the door and all members have to interview to make sure the program is the right fit for them.
JH: How did you keep people motivated?
CS: We would love to take credit for the motiving the group but it really was the group it’s self. The most powerful aspect of the program was the group it’s self. No body wanted to let the group down by missing a workout, treating on their meal plan or not taking workouts seriously.
The meal plans also gave people a path to follow which helped tremendously.
Also it was only 42 days so we asked them to completely commit and go all in. In addition, Ana and myself also did the program with the so we were able to empathize with them about waking up every morning at 3:50am and having to plan out meals.
These results DID become standard
Lastly people got addicted to their results. One member literally came off the street from drinking three big gulps a day and 5 beers to loosing 27 pounds in the 6 and being able to clean and press the 70 lbs burly bag 55 times in 5 minutes.
JH: With all that training did people get burned out?
CS: We were amazed how fast people’s bodies adapted. We had no injuries throughout the whole program. The program got progressively harder as the weeks went on to allow them to adapt to movements and be able to train every day.
We built the program so we two density sessions a week, two metabolic sessions a week which started off with body weight complexes and progressed to DVRT complexes, 1 recovery day and one team day. Normally our members dread a recovery day but the first two weeks the Fit in 42er’s couldn’t wait for it!
I think ultimately the power of the group kept people energized and we have 16 people start the program and 16 complete it.
JH: What were the results?
CS: The results literally blew us away! We did the Ultimate Sandbag clean and press after the second week of training and retested at the end of the six weeks. Everyone improved by at least 20% on their clean and press test. We loved using the test because it allowed for us to show our members how the whole program will improve work capacity, muscular strength, flexibility, power and clean and press was the perfect way to express this.
Physically our average participants lost 9.5 lbs of fat. We have members that lost all the way up to 27lbs and three members that lost over 7 inches off their waists. The results were incredible as some of these members has literally done zero exercise before the program. One of the members with no training with slow steady cardio went out and ran 14 miles!
JH: Chad, that’s awesome, if people want to learn more or come and train with you how can they find you?
CS: Our gym is 168 Fitness and our website is www.168fit.com We’re located in La Crescenta CA at 2866 Foothill Blvd
If you can’t get to 168 Fitness, you can start getting crazy results too! Pick up our 19 day transformation program or any of our awesome DVRT Ultimate Sandbag workout programs HERE for 25% off. Just use coupon code “dvrtfriday” and start changing for good!
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