Week 3 – The Ultimate Sandbag Training Squat Clean
The Ultimate Sandbag Training squat clean is a great way to improve power. As you pull the USB up from the floor you will drop and catch the USB lower than in the USB Clean to Fist or Power Clean. The result being that you will be able to lift more load performing this lift. You will also benefit from using the ‘anterior chain’ muscles (the muscles in the front of your leg). Now we can really start to include the quads in a power move!
This week’s program will also start to train the squat and overhead press in preparation for the Ultimate Sandbag Training Clean and Press Challenge.
The Technique
The technique is consistent with the USB Power Clean, but as the USB rises you will start to drop before it reaches the top. You’ve already built the foundational hinge pattern in the previous two weeks, and now you are adding a squat component.
Place the Ultimate Sandbag on your feet with the broad side facing you
Grab the Ultimate Sandbag Clean handles and ready your back (tighten and flatten it to ready yourself)
Perform the high pull. Drive up thru the heels, pull the USB toward the chest as you attempt to pull the handles apart.
As the USB reaches its highest point lower to meet it and scoop it into a front load position
Continue your descent to the bottom of the squat and return to a fully upright position.
Hinge and let the USB return back to your start position in step 1.
Day 1 – Building the Pattern (Total – 50 Reps)
Start with a Power or Strength Bag that you have been using for testing on the USB Power Clean or Clean to Fist. Take 60 seconds rest between sets.
1×10 reps: 2 reps USB Deadlift, 2 reps USB High Pull, 6 reps USB Power Clean
2×10 reps: Ultimate Sandbag Front Loaded Squat
1×10 reps: USB Squat Clean
2×5 reps: Ultimate Sandbag Squat Clean (take the load up for the last two sets)
Day 2 – Squat Day (Total – 50 Reps)
Focus on refining your squat form and building the press. Use a moderate load in a Power or Strength Bag for Pressing movements.
New Exercises:
USB Thruster is a USB FL Squat with the load on your fists that combines into an overhead press at the apex of the squat.
USB Push Press is a power move that starts with a quarter squat in a USB FL position with the USB on the fists. You will blast from the bottom position in the quarter squat and transfer that power through a tight core into an overhead press.
Take 60 seconds rest between all sets.
1×10 reps: USB FL Squat
2×10 reps: USB Thruster (see video for technique)
3×5 reps: USB Squat Clean (Strength Bag – Heavy)
2×5 reps: USB Push Press (see video for technique)
1×5 reps: USB Clean and Press (Perform a Clean to Fist followed by a Push Press)
Day 3: Squat Clean Ladder
The focus will be building capacity while cementing the squat clean pattern. Take 60 seconds rest between sets with 10 repetitions, and 90 seconds rest for sets with 5 repetitions)
1×10 reps: USB Squat Clean + 2 USB Front Loaded Squats per Clean (Power Bag – Heavy)
1×10 reps: USB Squat Clean (Strength Ultimate Sandbag – Medium)
1×5 reps: USB Squat Clean (Strength Bag – Heavy)
1×5 reps: USB Squat Clean (Strength Bag – Heavy)
1×10 reps: USB Squat Clean (Strength Bag – Medium)
1×10 reps: USB Squat Clean + 2 USB FL Squats per Clean (Power Bag – Heavy)
Day 4 – Recover and Refine (Total – 30 reps)
Your body is getting used to this new training stimulus, but let’s dial it back and focus on form so that you can kill your challenge day.
1×10 reps: USB Deadlift (Strength Bag – Heavy)
1×10 reps: USB FL Squat (Strength Bag – Medium)
2×5 reps: USB Squat Clean (Strength Bag – Light)
Day 5 – Squat Clean Challenge (Total – 70 reps)
This week’s challenge will see you work taking your resistance up a notch in a more metabolically fatiguing exercise than previous weeks. And we’re adding a treat into minute 3. You will be testing with a USB you feel comfortable pressing overhead in a push press.
Warm Up (take as much rest as you need between sets)
2×5 reps: USB Squat Clean
1×5 reps: USB Clean to Fist
1×5 reps: USB Clean and Press
Minute 1-2: Perform 10 USB Squat Cleans and Rest until the top of the minute
Minute 3: Perform 8 USB Clean and Press (if you are feeling like an allstar, go for 10!) – Rest until the top of the minute, or start on the USB Squat clean once minute 4 hits.
Minute 4-5: Perform 10 USB Squat Cleans and Rest until the top of the minute
*note: based on your comfort level feel free to challenge yourself and use a heavier USB. You will need to be quick and accurate, especially on the press to complete this challenge. If you don’t get all the reps, don’t worry, record how many you had and you’ll beat it next time.
Until next time! Train Right, Steve.
Steve Di Tomaso is a DVRT Master Instructor and owner of Envision Fitness.
To learn more check out envisionfitness.ca or facebook.com/envisionfitness
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