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Why the Ultimate Sandbag Clean and Press is Unique: Unleashing the Power of “Alive” Weight

fitness education

At DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training, our approach to fitness often sparks two reactions: excitement or skepticism. Why skepticism? Because many people view traditional exercises as sacred, despite the fact that these so-called “classics” are often less than a century old. In fact, many of today’s popular moves were once seen as controversial. So, just because something has been around for a while doesn’t mean it’s the best—or only—way to train.

When it comes to DVRT, we’re not focused on recreating the sport of lifting. Our goal is bigger than that—we’re about helping people move better, live better, and even perform better in whatever life throws their way. This is where the Ultimate Sandbag Clean and Press stands out. It’s not just about lifting; it’s about training your body to handle the unpredictable. And that’s what makes the Ultimate Sandbag so unique: it’s an “alive” weight.

clean and press

What Makes the Ultimate Sandbag “Alive”?

The Ultimate Sandbag is not like a rigid barbell or stable dumbbell. It’s an unstable, shifting mass—an “alive” weight—that mimics the unpredictability of real-life movements. Whether you’re walking, lifting, or pressing, the sandbag’s constantly shifting center of mass forces you to engage muscles you didn’t even know you had. Every rep is different because the sandbag never behaves the same way twice. This means you’re not just building brute strength; you’re developing true functional fitness—strength that works in the real world.

Life isn’t rigid, and your training shouldn’t be either.


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The Clean and Press: Beyond the Classic Lift

Most people are familiar with the traditional Clean and Press—an iconic strength exercise that’s been a staple for decades. But here’s the thing most only see the way to make it more challenging is by increasing the weight you are using. While that is a useful strategy, it can blind us to other great options that make us great at the clean and press AND more!

The Ultimate Sandbag Clean and Press is a game-changer. By incorporating a staggered stance, you even out the workload between the clean and press, creating a more balanced movement. But we take it a step further by adding a walking component. This transforms the exercise from a simple lift into a full-body movement that mimics the complexities of real-life actions, requiring you to stabilize, balance, and engage your entire body with every step.

Walking Clean and Press: A Whole New World of Functional Training

The Ultimate Sandbag Walking Clean and Press is a brilliant example of how DVRT elevates traditional exercises. Why just stand still when life requires you to move? By adding a forward step, we bring in a whole new level of functional movement that engages your hips, core, and stabilizers in ways the classic Clean and Press can’t.

  • Balance and Stability: Walking while performing the Clean and Press challenges your stability in multiple planes of motion. It forces you to extend your hips fully while stabilizing your body as you transition from one step to the next.
  • Natural Movement Patterns: In real life, we rarely move in just one direction or plane. The Walking Clean and Press mimics the way we naturally move, making it more relevant to daily activities and athletic performance.
  • Functional Strength: You’re not just pressing a static barbell overhead. With the Ultimate Sandbag, the shifting weight forces your body to adapt, creating strength that’s practical for everything from sports to everyday tasks.

Why DVRT is About More Than Just Lifting

In DVRT, we view exercises as building blocks of natural movement. Instead of being locked into a rigid formula, we’re free to innovate and create exercises that meet the demands of real life. The Ultimate Sandbag Clean and Press is the perfect example of this philosophy. It takes a “classic” exercise and reimagines it to be more dynamic, more functional, and ultimately, more beneficial.

By using the principles of Load Position, Body Position, and Plane of Motion, we can tailor the Clean and Press to your specific needs, making it an exercise that grows with you as you advance. And with the Ultimate Sandbag’s unpredictability, no two workouts will ever be the same, which keeps your body constantly adapting and progressing.

Try This Ultimate Sandbag Workout

Ready to experience the benefits of the Walking Clean and Press for yourself? Here’s a quick, effective workout to get started:

  1. Ultimate Sandbag Walking Clean and Press: 3 reps on each side
  2. Clean to Front Load: Walk for 30 seconds with the Ultimate Sandbag in front-loaded position
  3. Repeat the circuit 3 times, resting for 1 minute between rounds

Do this for 10 minutes and see how your entire body feels thoroughly worked—no need for endless exercises, just smarter movement patterns.

Why It Works

The Ultimate Sandbag Clean and Press isn’t just about getting stronger. It’s about developing a deeper connection between your body and the way it moves. The alive weight of the sandbag forces you to stabilize, adapt, and engage muscles that a traditional weight simply won’t. This is functional strength that crosses over into everything else you do, whether it’s lifting groceries, running, or playing sports.

So next time you’re in the gym, think beyond the barbell. Embrace the challenge of the Ultimate Sandbag and see how this alive weight can transform not just your workout, but the way you move through life.

Ready for the Next Challenge?

Want to take your functional strength even further? Try adding some of the advanced movements that DVRT Master trainers Cory Cripe and Megan Berner demonstrate. The Ultimate Sandbag Clean and Press isn’t just an exercise—it’s an experience. One that builds real-world strength and keeps your training fresh, challenging, and fun

Find out other great ways to use DVRT to build powerful workouts and how to take your coaching to another level with our online workout programs and courses. This is the LAST day to save 40% on our DVRT online workout programs and courses with code “flash” HERE


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