Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist
Most people realize that a lot of their problems comes from bad hips. Tight hips, unstable hips, weak hips, believe it or not they impact about everything you do! Whether that means getting stronger, leaner, or just getting rid of a lot of aches and pains.
The key though is that your hips and core are really interconnected. Rarely have we seen someone with a real life strong core and problems in their hips. Makes sense when you think about it. Your spine sits right upon your pelvis, imagining that these two pieces weren’t functioning well could cause MAJOR problems.
You may already feel or know about this, but what do you do? Something I have seen a lot of recently that is terrific is the larger focus upon mobility training. The only downside is that it seems a lot of the “mobility” training is for those that are already mobile.
Maybe I am a bit bias, but having been a physical therapist for over a decade means I’ve seen people with REALLY limited movement and stability. You may be thinking, “I’m not THAT bad”, but honestly, I’ve see a lot of fitness professionals with REALLY bad hips and cores! They will often admit their hip issues, but far less realize that their core is a big part of it.
The “trick” is to do both at the same time. Working on how we move the hips as well as stabilize the core. The perfect example of it is using the Shinbox position with core activation. That is because the Shinbox challenges one of our most needed hip positions, internal rotation. The inability to properly rotate our hips inwards is one of the BIGGEST problem for most people. Sounds easy, but from sitting and bad training it is something we lost big time.
Does it help just sitting in this position? Sure, it can help, but ideally we want to be more purposeful. People love to say sitting is such a problem in their hips, which it is, but sitting also turns off your core. So working on each independently doesn’t make a lot of sense. We want to take advantage of the fact they are synergistic to make BOTH better at the same time.
That is what today’s DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training post is ALL about. We use here our Core Ultimate Sandbag with bands to create some really powerful and simple ways to improve your core and mobility training no matter where you are starting.
If you love these drills then you will love saving 25% on our DVRT Better Backs, Knees, and Shoulders program HERE or complete DVRT Restoration Program HERE
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