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Why Glute Training Is Better When You Connect the Core

When we talk about glute training, most people think of hip thrusts and other isolated movements aimed at building strength or aesthetics. While those exercises “work” the glutes, they often miss the bigger picture of how the glutes truly function. […]

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3 Keys To Knee Pain Most NEVER Speak About

When it comes to knee pain you will plenty about things like “strong quads”, probably, “build up your glutes”, maybe even “strengthen your feet”. While all those things kinda, sorta, have an impact on knee pain they usually aren’t as […]

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The Most Common Mistakes In Helping Build Strong & Pain Free Shoulders

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) Yes, I have spoken about shoulders A LOT and to be honest, I am still surprised at how many people still fall into […]

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How Kettlebells Unlock Better Core Training

It is probably the first thing you feel when you lift kettlebells the first time. The humbling feeling of moving a weight that is often lighter than what you are used to, but the kettlebell seems to hit muscles and […]

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