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Ultimate Sandbag Fitness Brings Strength Training Come Alive!

Crazy to think it has ben almost ten years since I embarked on one of the coolest and most important programs I have ever been a part of in my career. That was when I was asking in 2009 to […]

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The Smarter Squat Exercise

We JUST spoke about lunges yesterday and now squats TODAY?! Yes, let that undeniable sigh out. I thought a perfect opportunity to talk about how squats and lunges go together as most people screw it up completely!  First off, I […]

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Why You Should REALLY Clean

We have made great strides in getting people to realize that the movement is more important than the individual muscle. Yet, the exercises we select to represent that movement are crucial and with all the tools we have available to […]

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The Ultimate Way to Build Movement Strength

Danny Jackowicz, DVRT Master (Twoguns Training Systems)   Two weeks ago, I had the honor and privilege to present and teach a DVRT and Ultimate Sandbag Training In-Service on “DVRT Flows for the General Population” at Results Fitness.  For those […]

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Real Hero Strength Ultimate Sandbag Training

Real Hero Strength DVRT Master, Ian Vaughn, (Creator of DVRT Obstacle Race Domination) When I first got into the fire academy one my favorite exercises to do in the gym was weight vested box step-ups to keep my endurance up. This […]

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