When I didn’t renew my lease on my fitness studio a few years ago it was a monumental shift for me. For the last ten years my training studio had been the place I had spent the most amount of time. I literally lived there, often getting to the gym before it was light out and leaving when it was dark. Of course my excitement and belief in DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training made me realize the only way to see DVRT to its full potential was to give it all my attention.
If we know anything, we all know that change can be hard and a bit scary. Where did my mind go? You bet, I wondered, “where would I train?!” After all, I had become so accustomed to my facility that a commercial gym was the last place I wanted to go. Sure, I could “make it work”, but there are very few things that I am very particular about, my training is one of them. I didn’t want to “make do.”
Jessica said, “why not the garage?” I had garage gyms in the past, it wasn’t as though I hadn’t thought about it, but in the past it wasn’t my favorite place to train. After thinking about it maybe why I didn’t enjoy my garage before was it was jammed packed! The last time I trained really in my garage was when I was still setting up my fitness studio. So, there was ALL types of equipment in my garage, it looked at both a lifters dream and nightmare.
I had already started to declutter my brain, it was time to do the same with my gym. More and more I began to really look for things that were game changers. Less and less I used “stuff” simply for pure variety, I became obsessed with purpose. So, I wondered if my garage gym now would be any different.
Three years later I can say it is my favorite place to train EVER! You might be disappointed that my garage has Ultimate Sandbags (duh!), some kettlebells, suspension straps, a pull-up bar, and a few bands. I’m not trying to be a revolutionary minimalist, I’m not trying to be different for the sake of being different, I’m not unable to buy other equipment if I really wanted (after all, my gym equipment is far more exciting to me than an expensive car).
DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training Master, Jason Balajadia, has found even a simple room in the house can work like a complete gym if you know how to use your tools!
You see, the garage is my sanctuary. It is where I focus, contemplate, escape, and experiment all at once. I think about how can things be better, how can I create better and smarter programs and progressions, how can we do more with the amazing tools that we have already?!
After all, some of the strongest people ever used very little equipment. I think that sometimes is a blessing because it makes you THINK deeper and harder about your goals, intent, and programs.
Guess what? I’ve NEVER had better workouts than I do in my garage. Oh trust me, I like training with other people, but now I just make them come to my garage:) In fact, I’ve given a little thought of opening a new studio. Just to see how things would be different and to work with MORE people to gain new ideas and perspectives.
When Jessica and I were discussing what this would entail, we kinda chuckled about the fact we already had all the equipment! Whether my gym always stays my actual garage or a studio, I think the values of it will always linger.
DVRT Master, Elizabeth Andrews, finds her gym in a similar situation maximizing the simplicity and effectiveness of something like the garage.
Why do I tell you about my great garage gym? I think most fitness professionals and even enthusiasts wonder about what they are missing out on. They want to run to another program, or try a new workout because they think what they have isn’t good enough. To be honest, probably most of you have a gym just like my garage. Instead of wondering what you don’t have, you should be thinking about how to maximize what you do! I truly believe if you do, you will open up a bigger door to a world of training that is not just more fun, but effective as well.
There is something primal, beautiful, and freeing about such an idea. What about “missing out” though? Try today’s DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training workout and see if less actually equals a great deal more!
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