Seeing their eyes get wide open means I am usually getting through to them. When I was talking to strength coaches from across the country this past weekend I talked about the fact that most of the time we HOPE that the exercises and workouts we use get the results we want.
I say hope because we just often do what we have always done, what we have seen done, or what we THINK is good, rather than having a great knowledge of the body to create workouts and exercises we KNOW will work.
I know it is ambitious to say know will work because everyone is different. How in the world can I be so confident about the power of our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises? Mostly because time and time again I have seen them work with so many different people and the fact we use Ultimate Sandbag exercises that match how the body works!
We believe so much into DVRT because we have lived it!
A great example is why we prioritize single leg strength so much. It was so cool to hear legendary strength coach, Jimmy Radcliffe of University of Oregon, talk about speed and power training. Especially plyometric training, I don’t know if there is anyone more educated and trained on the subject!
Coach Radcliffe talked about the progressions of plyometrics including starting with two legs progressing to one leg. The reason was that the weight could be dispersed on two legs easier and is more intense on one leg. Sounds like TOTAL common sense right?
My question is if that is how we see plyometrics progressed AND we think it makes sense then how come we don’t see the same when it comes to strength training? After all, how many people do you know can come to lunging with half the weight they squat with? Even crazier is that lunging still has two legs on the ground, it is just less stable.
Strength Coach, Joel Gunterman, showing how decreasing stability has helped rehab himself from a traumatic achilles injury.
That is because we falsely equate more load with greater strength. Sometimes that is true, but we have to consider other variables at the same time. Stability is one of them.
The other side of this is seeing how following these progressions of DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises has made such an impact on people. Australia DVRT Master, Cam Ward, first came to use because he was trying to get back.
“I was a competitive runner training for Melbourne marathon and that one morning preparing for a session I got off the floor and tore the cartilage in my left knee. This was tough as I started to choke up remembering the day the surgeon told me running was pretty much out of the question.
Being told this was hard to take, but little did I know three years down the track I would be assisting the same surgeon’s clients with pre and post surgery movement, also becoming the Australian DVRT Master Instructor, distributor of the Ultimate Sandbag. Oh did I mention also training for a 60km run.”
It isn’t a case of two legged exercises are bad, but we tend to over prioritize them and forsake them for simply going heavier. The reason that single leg based training or training in more unstable movements like lunges are so important is we emphasize the integration of the foot and core which most people don’t think about when building real world strength.
However, this is how the body actually works in life and why we can see such dramatic results form DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises. Of course the question is “what do we do?” That is where our system of movement comes into play, not just giving you more exercises, but a thought process of how to progress your training. Who better than Cam to show some of these great DVRT Ultimate Sandbag exercises?!
Want to learn how you can use DVRT to transform your and others not just fitness, but lives? Don’t miss saving 35% on our online DVRT programs HERE with coupon code “fitness”
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