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Helping Low Back Pain & Better Hip Mobility

It is funny, this past weekend there was one of the bigger fitness industry conferences around happening in Southern California. We have taught at this event a few times, but generally it isn’t quite our scene and that’s okay. However, […]

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A Better Era Of Mobility Training Is HERE

When I developed the first sandbag for fitness programs back in 2004 (yea, there really weren’t fitness sandbags anything like you see with the Ultimate Sandbag back then) it wasn’t about creating just another weight to lift. It was about […]

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Why Mobility Training Often Doesn’t Work

Having been in the fitness industry not just as a coach, but as a student for almost 30 years has provided me to have some unique insights and trends that get missed by many. I remember that I even started […]

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Most Common Mistakes In Corrective Exercise

Corrective exercise often gets a bad name, sometimes there are fair criticisms, but largely it is misunderstandings about the use and purpose of corrective exercise. Trust me, when you have been in an industry for almost 30 years as I […]

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Why Shoulder Pain Keeps Doesn’t Get Better

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) I’ll be honest, being a practicing physical therapist or over 20 years, I get frustrated a lot of times. I want people to […]

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Why Yoda Was A Low Back Pain Expert

I’ll admit, when I told Jessica I was going to write this post she gave me the look that you probably would expect from when someone would tell you that Yoda was a great low back pain expert. She is […]

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The NEW Myths Of Low Back Pain

There used to be a host of myths around low back pain that more current research helped us understand was outdated. Ideas like stretching solves low back pain, or our posture was the cause of low back pain, were often […]

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The FIRST Place People Go Wrong With Low Back Pain

The internet is an interesting place, as much as I like to give it a hard time for a lot of the wacky information that goes on there (which there is plenty of) it also gives me an opportunity to […]

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Why Hip Mobility Is Essential For Better Low Back Pain

In part 1 of our low back pain series (you can read HERE), I discussed several misconceptions as well as more effective strategies to help pain perception. One of the key issues with low back pain is hip mobility and […]

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