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Why You Do The Get-up Wrong

You don’t have to look hard to see this really weird looking exercise popping up everywhere. It is in major fitness magazines, tons of Youtube clips, and supposedly solves every fitness problem under the sun. What is it? Oh, I […]

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Should You Use Corrective Exercise

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist It is a rather polarizing concept. Corrective exercise, for some they have never heard of it, others they think it is an over blown idea. That begs the question, is corrective exercise something you should know […]

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Overcoming Is Learning to Be Strong

Amanda Thebe, DVRT Master (Fit N’ Chips) What I love most about our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training community is that we have such diversity of people. That means that when one of us is posed with a challenging case we […]

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Better Core Strength=Better Flexibility

When we think of core strength, let’s be honest, we think of the great looking six pack abs. Hearing people without six packs belly aching that core strength is something other than great looking abs just seems like whining, doesn’t […]

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Ultimate Sandbag Workouts Give the Perfect Warm-up

This past weekend was another awesome opportunity for us to show a variety of health professionals the power of Ultimate Sandbag exercises. We had fitness professionals, athletic trainers, and massage therapists all in the house to learn one thing….how Ultimate […]

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Beyond Planks Crawling Exercises for Core Strength

I remember it was one of the most challenging things we use to do for conditioning. Off-season basketball was far worse than in-season. While much shorter, our coaches made it their mission to get us both mentally and physically ready […]

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