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The Better Glute Bridge Exercise

The Better Glute Exercise Daniel Jackowicz (Two Guns Training Systems) I have a laundry list of injuries and ailments that I wont bore you with, but to say they are anything but excessive would be an understatement. This constant propensity […]

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The Smartest Core Exercise

October is almost over, help us help those in need. Save 20% on DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training gear and we will donate a percentage to the Singleton Mom’s Foundation to help single mothers with cancer. Use coupon code “strength” HERE […]

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10 Advanced Core Exercises

Advanced Core Training   I’ve been super motivated recently by two things. For one, I just got cleared for physical therapy (oh poor Jessica) which means I am planning on both how I will come back from my surgeries as […]

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The Key to Real World Strength

The Key to Real World Strength   Today’s video was inspired by the Farm Strong environment  Even more so by the act of ‘doing work’ aka work capacity which is held in high regard here on the farm and yet seem to allude almost all […]

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What About the Deadlift

What About the Deadlift?   There are two things that I can always respect and actually typically enjoy. One is honesty, the other are people asking the REAL questions. What do I mean by the “real” questions? So many times […]

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Goofy Ass Exercises

Goofy Ass Exercises How do you NOT love this quote if you have been in fitness in any length of time. Even if you just love fitness as a hobby, it is nuts! What do you do? Should you do […]

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No Apology Workout

No Apologies At All   When life turns itself upside down you learn A LOT! I know many of you have followed our challenge with Josh’s month in the hospital, maybe too much:) That in itself would definitely have me […]

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The Most Important Fitness Question

The Most Important Question Let’s face it, most of us are afraid to ask questions. Especially nowadays because social media makes us feel even more inept. I actually admire those that ask questions because it means they are actually thinking […]

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Make Your Workouts INSTANTLY Better

Believe it or not, I do really like it when you guys write in with thoughtful questions. Like when I was sent this great one from Todd M…. “Hey Josh,  I really love what you guys are doing with DVRT […]

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