Social media is really important to us. Why? Trust me, I get tired of all the negativity as much as anyone. However, I look at it to hear what people are talking about and most importantly thinking. Especially when it […]
read more2016-12-14
If you couldn’t tell by our DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training posts, we think kinda differently over here. I love the idea that sports journalist, Dan Le Batard says, “I’m not telling you what to think, I’m asking you if you […]
read more2016-12-14
I’ve been a big fan of chiropractors for A LOT of years! A very good friend of mine was a BIG part of keeping me healthy and training hard even though my body was failing me. So, when I tell […]
read more2016-12-11
It is pretty much my BIGGEST challenge nowadays. How do get people to think differently about their fitness and what Ultimate Sandbag exercises really mean. It really comes from understanding why we should even bother to think differently. You might […]
read more2016-12-8
“How many push-ups can you do?!” Is there any more mainstream measure of fitness? I remember the hold Bill Murray movie “Stripes” where he and co-star Harold Ramis bet about their fitness. The test? Could Bill Murray knock out ten […]
read more2016-11-26
Why do the HARDER thing? Why do the thing that looks less sexy? Why do something that may seem so different than everyone else? The only GOOD reason is because it works so darn well! I often tell people that […]
read more2016-11-21
It was probably one of the most transformational exercises for me. Not in what it did for my physique, but how it got me to look at functional fitness completely differently. It was kettlebell swings! Yes, back in 2002, after […]
read more2016-11-7
I have a true love/hate relationship with HIIT workouts. Be very honest, it is hard to get you to do something that is so challenging! What motivates me is all the benefits that doing HIIT well can offer. From fat […]
read more2016-11-5
How many times have we heard the old saying, “if something appears too be too good to be true, then it probably is?” Most of the time I would say that life has taught me this to be pretty true. […]
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