Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist You have probably heard it, the statistic that 80% of Americans are suffer low back pain at some point in their life. Sadly, I was a statistic very early in life. Having herniated several […]
read more2016-01-25
I love after 11 years I still get that, “heck that was really cool” feeling from DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training. Sometimes it is from my own training, but I get even more hyped to hear the success and discoveries other […]
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Annmarie Licatese, DVRT Master (Fitfoodiemama) Where I live it’s snowy. Not just like a flurry here or there but like feet of snow overnight kinda snowy. There is a running joke going around that the amount of snow shoveling that […]
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What makes an exercise great? What makes it super important? What makes it worth spending time getting better and better on? I think any good fitness program focuses on the important “stuff”. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of […]
read more2016-01-19
DVRT Master, Annmarie Licatese (FitFoodieMama) Ever since getting certified, I have been dying to share more about what I know and why I love the Ultimate Sandbag and Dynamic Variable Resistance Training so much. I have been training with the […]
read more2016-01-14
It is funny to say, but most of my family has no real interest in fitness. Long story, but my Dad wasn’t ever into fitness, but enjoyed watching many Chicago Bears football games. Yea, we also would attend White Sox […]
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Cam Ward, DVRT Master-4everfitness.com.au– Victoria, Australia The last year my clients have seen a lot more of this funny looking bag. We do all these very different types of movements that finally the other day I was asked the […]
read more2016-01-11
Why is it,growing up, so many dreamed of being firefighters? I know I did! The reason really seems simple. We want to do something meaningful, something that makes a difference, and we want to help people! That is why one […]
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Troy Anderson, DVRT Master (Check Out Coach Anderson’s Power Packed Workouts HERE) We often think about how much we can bludgeon our bodies. Heck, I’ve given you some pretty good DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training workouts over the past year […]
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