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Difference Between Hinge and Squat Exercises

In functional fitness realms it is very popular to discuss the difference between a hip hinge and a squat pattern. Why? Because in a hip hinge we prioritize the use of our posterior chain (loading of the hamstrings and glutes) […]

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Great Squats You NEED To Do!

Having a better understanding of how your body works, isn’t something you do just so you can show off online. I truly believe, “knowledge is power”, when we truly understand concepts of movement strength training. A great way to illustrate […]

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3 Ways to Improve Your Mobility & Core Strength

  Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist Most people realize that a lot of their problems comes from bad hips. Tight hips, unstable hips, weak hips, believe it or not they impact about everything you do! Whether that means getting stronger, leaner, […]

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The Most Misunderstood Ultimate Sandbag Core Exercise

We live in a really weird time, as social media has become more of a staple in our lives it has dictated how we act, feel, and often think. That usually leads to us only seeing the end of result […]

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Dynamic Ultimate Sandbag Training and Kettlebell Workout

You might think I am crazy to say that walking might be the best form of strength training out there! Well, okay, not JUST walking, but learning how to really move while lifting. That is why today’s post works so […]

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Ultimate Sandbag Training Outdoor Workout

DVRT Master, Annmarie Licatese, (FitFoodieMama) Like most parents, I am counting down the days until school starts back up in the fall.  I crave routine and the little bit of time that I get to spend alone.  I use that […]

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Ultimate Sandbag Exercises for Stability & Strength!

Strength and movement, they seem like they should go hand in hand, but often times they seem at odds. Sure, the “movement” based crowd believes they are making people stronger, but in a very different way as we often think […]

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Ultimate Sandbag Exercises to Build Strength & Stability in Fitness

 One of our most controversial and popular blogs has been about something relatively simple, the Sprinter Stance position. Why does something so small create such a polarizing impact on people. Why do these Ultimate Sandbag exercises seem to get people […]

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10 Glute Ultimate Sandbag Exercises Better Than Deadlifts

Two things everyone should want in their fitness. It doesn’t matter if they are looking for real world strength, to look better at the beach, perform at a high level in their favorite sport. Most of it all comes down […]

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