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The New World of Training Fascia

If you have been paying attention to fitness at all, at some level or another you probably have heard someone tell you that you need to work on your fascia! It might cause one of two reactions, one is to […]

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Creating Better Upper Body Workouts

It might sound like a bit of a contradiction for us to talk about parts of the body. After all, DVRT is based upon the idea that the whole body is connected (which all the science says it actually is […]

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Most Common Mistakes In Corrective Exercise

Corrective exercise often gets a bad name, sometimes there are fair criticisms, but largely it is misunderstandings about the use and purpose of corrective exercise. Trust me, when you have been in an industry for almost 30 years as I […]

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Why Shoulder Pain Keeps Doesn’t Get Better

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) I’ll be honest, being a practicing physical therapist or over 20 years, I get frustrated a lot of times. I want people to […]

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3 Common Mistakes In Helping Shoulder Pain

Jessica Bento, Physical Therapist (Creator DVRT Restoration Certification, DVRT Rx Shoulder, Knees, Pelvic Control, & Gait Courses) I get DMs on social media ALL the time to help treat people with nagging aches/pains. They ALWAYS come down to the classic […]

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The Next 5 Keys To Helping Low Back Pain

Our first installment of the top 10 evidence based solutions for chronic low back pain probably surprised many people (you can read it HERE if you missed it). However, starting with a foundation of focusing on lifestyle and understanding how […]

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10 Ways Fitness Can ACTUALLY Help Low Back Pain Part 1

Sometimes our posts could sound a bit negative because we focus on where we go wrong in fitness and even therapy with helping low back pain. However, understanding our mistakes helps us go in better directions and make an actual […]

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Why Can’t We Get Hip Mobility Right?!

It isn’t though hip mobility is a new idea, you can find almost half a million posts about it just on Instagram (true story). We’ve done our fair share of posts about building better hip mobility because I think there […]

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